
AlignUp is a unique, and deeply effective approach to wellness via grounding our skeleton, building relaxed strength, and learning the physical art of letting-go.

A huge part of each session is assisting students in learning what to listen for and how to work with their bodies.

The approach to centralized, internal alignment is informed by research of people in countries that experience little or no back or structural pain. People that are physically active and agile into their old age. This approach is incredibly nourishing to the spine and nervous system, and as a result is restorative and healing for people recovering from trauma.

AlignUp might be for you if:

  • You’re experiencing persistent structural pain – back, hip, neck, etc. – or if you’ve suffered an acute injury and/or physical trauma.
  • You have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), or are in the grip of ongoing stresses: job loss; death or illness in the family; your own chronic illness; recovery from addiction; a car accident; financial pressures. In other words, you’re dancing somewhere on the high stress scale, and you know it’s affecting you.
  • You are a current or past war veteran, an active duty service member, or are a military family member.
  • You are already practicing other forms of self care, but are still struggling with pain and tension.
  • You are a highly sensitive person (HSP) and need self-care tools to help bounce back quicker from the intensity of your emotions and overwhelm.
  • You are an athlete or have physical work and you want to take care of your body so you can function well into your old-age.

If you are ready, I can show you simple, specific practices that allow you to feel better, deeply relax—the actual mechanics of letting go, as required by your own particular body. AlignUp is an approach to fitness unlike that of most modalities in the fitness-industrial complex, because it strength is built without tension and it focuses on you and your unique make-up.

Click on this line if you’d like to learn more about working privately with me. Or here if you would like info about Align Up’s Core Breathing Restoration Class. or here for Align Up’s Deep Fascia Release Class.

Click on this line if you’d like to hear about results from my students.

And click on this line to see Before & After (ish) photos from a trauma recovery standpoint.



Copyright © 2013 Karen Engler